
This is the first post to my brand new blog! I’ve never done this before, but it’s realizing a dream I’ve had for a long time. I’m in my 40’s, and until recently all I had was a Facebook account. Social Media is still fairly new for me. My son, who’s 23, keeps laughing at me because I’ve often asked him how to unfollow or unfriend someone (and what the difference is). He helped me create my Twitter account a couple of days ago (@iamDelleana). And Instagram? I still haven’t quite figured that out 🙂

But there was something about blogging that appealed to me. I love to write, and I enjoy seeing people share their inspiring stories. I believe God can use our stories to be a blessing in so many ways. I wanted to start blogging so I can fulfill my passion, which is to encourage, motivate, inspire, and uplift people. My blog will also be a journal of my life as I live it, and I promise to share it with honesty and realness.

So here we go! This is a very exciting moment for me. I’m stepping out on faith and trusting that God will allow my words to resonate with you. I invite you to please share your comments with me.

Dear God, I thank you for this opportunity of making yet another dream come true. You are truly amazing. Thank You for giving me a voice. Use my life to be a blessing to someone. Use this blog to be a blessing. Let the words that I write always come from a pure place in my heart. Let Your light and Your love shine through me. I dedicate this blog to You, let it be done for Your glory, in Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.


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