You Are Enough

When I post something here on my blog, it’s usually coming from something that I’ve been experiencing. This post is more personal for me, because it comes from some vulnerable moments I’ve had with God recently.

I’d been talking with God and expressing my thoughts about feeling like I’m not doing enough…like I’m not doing enough to be a blessing to people, or not doing enough to advance His kingdom. I’d been feeling like I’m not making a difference anywhere. And I was asking God…how can I serve You more? Where can I be a blessing? What more can I do?

I think it’s important to clarify that this wasn’t coming from God making me feel guilty or anything like that. I’m wired to be a doer, and I love helping and encouraging people. My desire was really coming from experiencing His love in so many ways that l want to continue sharing His love with others. I want to be a light in this world that’s filled with so much darkness.

Later I had a conversation with my sister, and I felt like God answered my prayers through her. My sister encouraged me by saying that I am a blessing to people just by being who I am. She reminded me about moments I experienced recently where people were telling me how I unknowingly helped them or encouraged them in some way. I shared with her how amazing it was to hear them recount a seemingly regular conversation I had with them that made them feel seen, understood, and inspired.

It’s not that I’m seeking validation from people. I really do just want to be used by God and be a blessing. I’m semi-retired now, so I’m home a lot more than I’m used to, and I was wondering if God can still use me while being home all or most of the day. What if I never set foot outside my home today, can God still use me?

He reminded me that I am enough, and I’m still being used every day. Whether I see it or not, I’m walking in my purpose every day. And it’s not always about doing, it’s about BEING. Because God made me an encourager, He showed me that He’s been using me to pour into people through conversations. And, like my sister reminded me, I don’t have to do anything specific necessarily to be a blessing to people. If my heart is right, if I come from a place of love, kindness, compassion, and authenticity…just me being who I am can enrich people’s lives.

It’s so interesting because these are the things I’ve been telling my son for years. He was thinking that if he didn’t do something more tangible that he wasn’t showing people that he cares for them. I’ve been affirming him and letting him know how beautiful he is and that he’s a blessing to his friends, his job, and everywhere he goes just by him being his authentic self. I’d remind him he didn’t always have to go out of his way to do things for people for them to be blessed by his light. He is enough just as he is.

I didn’t stop to fully realize that I needed to speak that to myself too. And that’s why it’s so beautiful to receive feedback from others that tell you how you’re showing up in their lives. It’s a blessing to be affirmed, loved on, and encouraged just as you do for others.

So, today, I just wanted to encourage you and let you know that you just being you…is enough. If you have the love of God in your heart, if you genuinely care about people and are kind and compassionate, that will produce good fruit. It will have a positive ripple effect and touch people in ways you may never know about.

We don’t always have to perform big gestures to make a difference and be a blessing. Now, there’s nothing wrong with big gestures, but if that’s what we focus on to prove that we’re making a difference, we’re missing it.

If we’re walking with the Lord and allowing Him to heal our hearts so we’re not coming from a place of brokenness or dysfunction; if we’re willing to be a vessel and allow His love to flow into us and then through us, we can trust that God will cause us to be fruitful every day of our lives.

Jesus said the greatest commandment is to love the Lord God with all our heart, soul, and mind, and then to love our neighbor as we love our selves. (Matthew 22:37-38) That really sums up how we can flow from a place of love. We must first come to God and receive His love for us…which is pure, whole, and holy; and allow Him to teach us how to truly love ourselves. And once we learn how to love ourselves, those two things combined will teach us how to love others. In the process of learning to love ourselves, God also reveals to us our true identity, and that also helps us to flow from a place of authenticity.

The way God made you right now is enough. God is using you to be a blessing just as you are. You are His masterpiece, and you are fearfully and wonderfully made. If you’re struggling with feeling like you’re not enough, I hope my words encourage you. Even if you don’t leave your house today, you’re still making a positive difference. Whether you get to see it or not, the light you carry goes a long way.

Heavenly Father, thank You for who You are. You are our Creator, and we are Your masterpiece. Thank You for reminding us that we are made in Your image, and therefore we are fearfully and wonderfully made. Fill our hearts with Your love. Teach us how to love ourselves and how to love others. Let Your light shine brightly through us wherever we go, and let Your perfect will be accomplished in our lives every day. In Jesus’ name. Amen
