Push Through

I’m in a season in my life where God is calling me to new levels. He’s calling me to do new things, which is requiring me to move outside of my comfort zone, and it’s a scary place to be at times. But I’ve learned something over the years, and that is even though I feel fear, I’ve made a conscious decision within myself to push through and move forward instead of allowing fear to paralyze me or revert back. I thank God that He has trained me to know His voice, so even when He tells me to do something and thoughts of fear try to stop me, my spirit knows it’s God calling me.

I read about two stories in the Bible today that really spoke to me. These are wonderful examples of how important it is to not let your own limiting thoughts or thoughts of others hold you back or keep you from the blessings and promises God has for you.

In Mark 5:25-34, we read about the woman with the issue of blood. She had this terrible condition for 12 years. She spent time, energy, all of her money, and suffered many things from physicians, only to find her condition growing worse. But she heard about Jesus! In those days women were considered to be ceremonially unclean when they have their menstrual period, or for as long as they have the issue of blood. So she was not supposed to touch anyone. But when she heard about Jesus, something in her rose up. She decided she was going to push through the crowds that were surrounding Him and receive her healing. She said to herself, “If only I may touch His clothes, I shall be made well” (verse 27). It took a lot of courage and faith to not let the limitation of the crowd or customs to keep her from her blessing of being healed. She pushed through her fear. And when she touched Jesus’ garment, she immediately was made whole. When Jesus asked who touched him, she came and fell down before him fearing and trembling, and told Jesus everything. Jesus said to her “Daughter, your faith has made you well” (verse 34).

In Mark 10:46-52, we read about a blind man named Bartimaeus. We don’t know how long he was blind – perhaps his whole life. Everyday he’d sit by the side of the road begging. But he heard about Jesus! He cried out to Him saying “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” (verse 47). The Bible says many warned him to be quiet. But he pushed through those negative people and cried out all the more. Now, imagine: he couldn’t see where Jesus was, but he knew He was in close proximity. He could have listened to the people around him and not said anything else. He could have stopped right there. He could have let fear of what people would say about him keep him from receiving his blessing. But he didn’t. He cried out again, and this time, it caused Jesus to literally stand still and call for him (verse 49). Bartimaeus threw aside his garment, which for me represents everything holding him back (physically, spiritually, emotionally), rose up, and came to Jesus. Jesus asked what he wanted Him to do for him, and Bartimaeus asked to receive his sight. Jesus said to him “Go your way, your faith has made you well”.

In both cases, the woman with the issue of blood, and blind Bartimaeus had situations that were limiting them. But when they heard about Jesus, they pushed through everything: fear, doubt, the negative voices of others, moved forward in faith, and received their healing. It was their faith that caused them to access and receive their blessing.

Both stories speak to me because I see how important it is to not allow limitations of any kind stop me from moving forward. I cannot allow thoughts of negativity or insecurity keep me from doing and experiencing all that God has for me. But it takes faith! I heard someone say that faith is not the absence of fear, it’s having the courage to move forward in spite of the fear. It takes faith and courage to push through the crowd; or to ignore voices telling you to be quiet. Ultimately, these can be enemies to your destiny. If God has called you to do something, push through and do it.

Heavenly Father, thank You for speaking to us and training us to hear Your voice. Thank You for giving us the courage to step out on faith and do everything You’ve called us to do. As we continue to be led by Your Holy Spirit, we know and believe that You are working everything together for our good, in Jesus’ name. Amen
